Art.Nr.: 132-L-PA-1
The respiratory center is a nerve cell association in the reticular formation in the medulla oblongata (brainstem). In- & expiratory (&post-inspiratory) neurons can be differentiated. Breathing patterns generated by these cells execute their efferent information via phrenic nerve and vegetative centers (& others), the patterns can be consciously changed to a certain extent (same is true for coughing). It is important to know that various sedatives and opiates reduce or eliminate the activity of this group of neurons in a dose-dependent manner.
Most important affective pathways to respiratory center are demonstrated here. The most important information for activity regulation are in descending order: CO2, pH and oxygen partial pressure. The three curves show the spontaneous response behavior of healthy subjects to changes in CO2, pH and oxygen partial pressure while keeping the other 2 parameters constant: